Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Unit 7 Ode on an LA urn.

Unit 6 Ode on aLA Urn

Unit 6 Ceramic Urn Project
April 2012

Essential Question: What is the lasting effect of leaving your mark?
Enduring Understanding:  While art making appears to be a simple exercise of exploring our creativity that can and does often resemble child's play, artists understand that their mark is left.  Meaning, metaphor, culture, time are all revealed.

Objectives: Students will join the the historical continuum of art makers in the creation of a story vase or Amphora in the style of the Greeks and Etruscans.  Students will reflect on the Keats poem "Ode On a Grecian Urn" and create a story vase that is unique to their time in history and culture. Students will use their urn as the basis to create a poem, "Ode On a LA Urn."

Urn. Amphora. Vessel. Glaze. Earthenware. Kiln. Bisque. Coil. Score.Carve. Leather hard.  Ode.

Pay attention to Contrasts as in Keats: still figures portrayed in movement, the passage of time and the stillness of the figures and story on the urn.

Urn/Amphora: 50 points
Ode: 25 points.

50 point urn is:
The required size: as big as the student's hand.
Carefully glazed and carved with at least one figure which is flat and 2D but NOT a stick figure!  
Tells a story about students time in history and culture ie: figures texting, gaming, skating, surfing, dancing. . .

Poem/Ode Rubric

1Not There Yet
Neatness \& Organization
The poem  is very neat and easy to read.  It has very well organized information.
The poem  is neat and easy to read.  It has well organized information.
The poem is somewhat neat and easy to read.  It has adequate information.
The poem is sloppy and hard to read.  It does not have adequate information.
The poem has all of the required information and some additional information. Student has explored the story and design of their urn in a compelling and advanced manner. Student used Keats’ Ode on a Grecian Urn as an example.
The poem has all of the required information.
Student has demonstrated effort in exploring the story and design of their urn. Student used Keats’ Ode on a Grecian Urn as an example.
The poem has some of the required information.
Student  demonstrated some effort in exploring the story and design of their urn. Student used Keats’ Ode on a Grecian Urn as an example.
The poem has little of the required information.
Student  shows little effort and no indication that their vase had a story or that their design was thought out. 
Writing –
Mechanics &
7 deadly sins:
Sentence Form



All of the writing is complete. Capitalization, punctuation and spelling are correct throughout the student’s Ode.
Most of the writing is complete. Most of the capitalization, punctuation and spelling are correct throughout the student’s Ode.
Some of the writing is complete. Some of the capitalization, punctuation and spelling are correct throughout the student’s Ode.
Very little of the writing is complete. Very little of the capitalization, punctuation and spelling is correct throughout the student’s Ode.