DAIJ Critique Rubric

4Advanced (25 to 23 pts)
3Proficient (22 to 20)
2Emerging (19 to 17)

1Not There Yet( 16 to 0)
Neatness &Organization
The critique is very neat and easy to read.  It has very well organized information with required style as directed by teacher:  bullet point format or essay format.
The critique is neat and easy to read.  It has well organized information with required bullet point format.
The critique is somewhat neat and easy to read.  It has adequate information but is not in the required bullet format.
The critique is hard to read.  It does not have adequate information but is not in the required bullet point format.

Content -
Accuracy - Vocabulary
The critique has all of the required information as listed on DAIJ cards and some additional information. Student demonstrates an advance understanding of Aesthetics. Student demonstrates advanced use of the visual arts vocabulary appropriate to the unit.
The critique has all of the required information as listed on DAIJ cards. Student demonstrates an understanding of Aesthetics. Student use visual arts vocabulary appropriate to the unit.
The critique has some of the required information as listed on DAIJ cards. Student demonstrates an emerging understanding of Aesthetics. Student use some of the visual arts vocabulary appropriate to the unit.
The critique does not have the required information as listed on DAIJ. Student demonstrates little understanding of Aesthetics.Student does not include visual arts vocabulary appropriate to the unit.

Writing – 
Mechanics &
7 deadly sins
  Sentence Form



All of the writing is in complete sentences. Capitalization, punctuation and spelling are correct throughout the student’s DAIJ Critique.
Most of the writing is in complete sentences. Most of the capitalization, punctuation and spelling are correct throughout the student’s DAIJ Critique
Some of the writing is in complete sentences. Some of the capitalization, punctuation and spelling are correct throughout the student’s DAIJ Critique
Very little of the writing is in complete sentences. Very little of the capitalization, punctuation and spelling is correct throughout the student’s DAIJ Critique